Thursday, October 7, 2010

Soaking in Some History... and Wearing Funny Hats

It seems like it's been October for a while already now, but I guess it really hasn't been that long as today was the first Thursday of the month... which means free museum day in Seattle!  Today the girls and I went to the Burke Museum on the UW campus.  Its focus is on natural history and there was a special exhibit on textiles.  The girls thought it was pretty cool and were awake for the whole visit, but no photos were allowed inside, so I just snapped these on the way out.

While I'm on the topic of funny hats, here are some older shots I took of the girls and Tante Kire having a hat party.  Tante and another good friend babysat last night actually and Kirsten and I had a fun night out on the town downtown and went to a concert.  Anyway, these hat pics are from July... (the girls are much littler).

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